just thought how certain dates of the year just brings u back 2 a place n time u wished were just a scene from a really bad dream...thn realising pain is just part of life...loosing ppl u love is something that u will be forced to face..n before it happens u tell urself that ur strong enough 2 go through it until it act happens...n whn it does ur face is just left facing the floor eyes red...its that point u realize how most ppl wear masks everyday 2 cover up those scars n pretending life is all a jolly ride..pfffttt..n thn u think if its act possible 2 get something gud or helpful out of the xperience..n if u just sift out all the negative effects yes thr is...it forces u 2 appreciate the ppl u have while they're still there with u!
quoting stephen king "God is cruel. Sometimes he makes you live. "